Perusing the local Craigslist a week or so ago, I stumbled across and older Motobecane 10-speed. Comparing the low quality photo of the bike with various catalog scans available online, I determined it was a Super Mirage, a lower end, but still very decent quality bike. It appeared to be my size and it was listed for a garage sale price, exactly what I like to see. I contacted the seller immediately and I was on my way to pick it up.
As found.
The catalog scan, 1978
It's a pretty sweet bike, 2040 tubing, nothing special but decent, nice high-flange hubs with alloy Weinnman rims, and upgraded derailleurs (although the original Suntour units would have been fine with me), and very decent paint. After a good cleaning, a quick tune-up, new tires, levers a bar tape, it's looking like a new bike. I even found some nice new red cable housing to go on it when I replaced the cables.
And the final product.
I've ridden it to school the past couple of days, and I must say it's a real sweet bike, my first french bike in fact. It's not the lightest thing I've ever ridden, but it handles great and there's a ton of room for tires and fenders. It also shifts super smooth thanks to that nice new 105 rear derailleur and a low mileage Suntour Winner 13-32 freewheel. This one will probably have to go to the market, but another one, ideally a Grand Touring or a Grand Jubilee which from my understanding have the same geometry but better tubes, is definitely on my short list of bikes to own.
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